Expedited RT-PCR Available | COVID-19 Tests Are Subject To New Requirements | Please Call For More Details | 708-424-9405

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Understanding your covid-19 test

Swab Test (PCR) vs. Blood Test (Antibody)

PCR (Swab) Test

Works by detecting the presence of the virus' genetic material (RNA). The biggest difference being that it can detect early and onset infection with most accuracy with results available in a few days.

Key Differences

  • • Early Detection
  • • Most Accurate
  • • Onset Infection Detection


Blood Test (Antibody/Antigen)

Works by indirectly detecting the virus by measuring your body immune response (igM, IgG) to the virus. This test is typically used to detect if you have had the virus in the past and now show immunity to certain strains of the virus.

Key Differences

  • • Indirect Detection
  • • Detects if you had the virus
  • • Shows Immunity to Strains of virus


Better safe, Get tested

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. Most people infected with the COVID-19, virus will experience mild to moderate, respiratory illness & recover without requiring special treatment. Older people and those with underlying medical problem like cardiovascular disease.

SMS Medical is offering both on-site and off-site Covid-19 testing including PCR Swab testing and Antibody blood testing. Not sure if you need testing? Use our quick self-diagnostic form to determine whether you should get tested for COVID-19.

Signs that you need testing

High Fever

Heavy Tiredness

Dry cough

Need Testing?
Symptoms after exposure

Signs You Might Have Covid-19

Common symptoms

Fever or Chills

Please be sure to self-quarantine, avoid others, and get tested if you have a fever or chills.

Common symptoms

Cough or Congestion

Please be sure to self-quarantine, avoid others, and get tested if you have a cough or congestion.

Common symptoms

Difficulties Breathing

Please be sure to self-quarantine, avoid others, and get tested if you experience difficulties breathing.

Covid prevention

Covid-19 Prevention

Wash your Hands

Wear a
Face mask

Avoid contact
with others

Cover your
cough or sneeze

Need Testing?

Take our quick assessment

UNDERSTANDING Swab or Blood Test

Take our quick assessment to determine which COVID test is better for you.

Questions? Call Now Start Now!

Have you been within 6 feet of a person with a lab-confirmed case of COVID-19 for at least 5 minutes, or had direct contact with their mucus or saliva, in the past 14 days?

In the last 48 hours, have you had any of the following NEW symptoms?

We Recommend

Please select option to schedule your covid-19 test.